2. Our Service
  3. Accounting Services
  4. Tax Service

Accounting Services

Accounting Services

Tax Service

【Witholding Tax(Bonus 、salary and others)calculation・Report document writing service(Monthly)】
We calculate nominal and report writing for witholding tax (PPH21,23,26) which occur in the same time with monthly expenses and salary.

【VAT report document writing service(Monthly)】
We provide service for writing VAT report document.

【Company Annual Tax Return(Annual)】
We provide document writing and report tax return for your company after calculation.

【Individual Annual Tax Return(Annual)】
We calculate and report tax return for Japanese staff and local staff on December period every year.

【Tax report service (Any time)】
We can write report other than necessary report in taxation. If needed we can help in reporting too.

【Tax Consultant Service】
Our licensed accountant can help advice and solving every tax problems occurred in Indonesia local corporate.